>   Risk Parameter
Risk Parameter
Risk parameter files are required to calculate SPAN margins. It contains details of all the parameters specified by the Exchange that are required to calculate margins. This file is same for all the members.

Select Date
File Format

XML File Format
Beginning of the Day
Intra-Day 01 (At 06:00)
Intra-Day 02 (At 07:30)
Intra-Day 04 (At 10:30)
Intra-Day 05 (At 12:00)
Intra-Day 06 (At 13:30)
Intra-Day 07 (At 15:30)
Intra-Day 08 (At 17:00)
Intra-Day 09 (At 19:00)
Intra-Day 10 (At 20:30)
Intra-Day 11 (At 22:00)
Intra-Day 12 (At 23:30)
Intra-Day 13 (At 01:00)
Final (At 02:30)