>   Eligibility_Criteria
Eligibility Criteria

A) Before applying for registration with INDIA INX for RTP applicant must check Eligibility by considering the following

1. An entity regulated by the securities market regulator in its home jurisdiction (country where it has been incorporated), shall be eligible to be onboarded as an RTP, subject to the following conditions:
  • The entity is a resident of a country whose securities market regulator is a signatory to the International Organization of Securities Commission’s Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding (IOSCO-MMoU) or a signatory to the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with IFSCA. ( List of exchanges allowed by IFSCA )
  • The entity is a body corporate.
  • The entity is not a resident of a country identified in the public statement of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as –
    • a jurisdiction having strategic Anti-Money Laundering or Combating the Financing of Terrorism deficiencies to which counter measures apply; or
    • a jurisdiction that has not made sufficient progress in addressing the deficiencies or has not committed to an action plan developed with the Financial Action Task Force to address deficiencies.
  • The entity shall be permitted to trade only on a proprietary basis and shall not be permitted to onboard clients.
  • The entity shall be permitted to transact only in cash-settled derivative products on the Stock Exchanges.
  • The entity shall be required to enter into an agreement with an IFSCA registered Clearing Member for clearing and settlement of its transactions executed on the Stock Exchanges.
2. An entity not regulated by the securities market regulator in its home jurisdiction (country where it has been incorporated) shall be eligible to be onboarded as a RTP provided that the entity is a member of any of the Stock Exchanges, or such other Stock Exchanges, as may be specified by IFSCA from time to time:
( List of exchanges allowed by IFSCA )
The Entity shall be compliant with all the points as mentioned above in point 1. a. – f.

B) Basis information form Basic Detail Form RTP