>   Features of Negotiated Large Trade (NLT) facility
Features of Negotiated Large Trade (NLT) facility
Open throughout the normal trading hours of the Exchange. For market timings please refer https://www.indiainx.com/markets/market_timings.aspx.
Prices within a defined percentage ± 1% of the reference price. The reference price would be computed based on the VWAP of trades in a defined time interval 30 minutes preceding the NLT order execution. Where there are no or negligible trades during the defined time interval, the Exchange may decide appropriate norm for the reference price.
USD 1 Million.
As applicable to regular trades for the product.
Exchange will disseminate details of the NLT trades the same day, after the market hours.
NLT transactions shall not be considered / not included for calculation of the daily Open, High, Low, Close (OHLC), Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP), Daily Settlement Price (DSP) or the Final Settlement Price (FSP) of the derivatives contract for which the transaction has been executed.
Aggregation of different individual orders into a single NLT transaction is not allowed.
At the time of placing the NLT orders by Members, the relevant margin is automatically blocked from the available exposure limit based on the SPAN margin requirements.
The large size of NLT transactions can impact the position limits after execution. The automatic pre-trade approval process of individual NLT orders will ensure that the position limit is not violated at the member and client levels.
NLT orders are not executed partially but only fully / completely.
NLT trades on behalf of Clients shall not be executed against Member’s OWN account. Members shall execute NLT trades on behalf of their Clients only after obtaining explicit written consent from the client.
LES will not be applicable on NLT trades.
Across all available derivative products on the Exchange.